Salary Guide 2024

Adecco Salary Guide 2024

Complete our 2-minute questionnaire to receive the latest edition of our Salary Guide.

At Adecco, our research helps shape policies, form public opinions and contribute to the effective implementation of regulations and frameworks. Your inputs will be invaluable, as it help us to continue developing important whitepapers revolving around the job market and salary trends in Singapore.

Rest assured, we prioritize the confidentiality and protection of your personal data.

  • Confidentiality: All information shared will remain strictly confidential within our organization and will not be disclosed to any third parties without your explicit consent.
  • Data Use: Your responses will solely be used for research purposes related to our Salary Guide 2024.
  • Data Security: We have implemented robust security measures to safeguard your data against unauthorized access or breaches.
  • Data Retention: Your data will be retained only for the duration necessary for research objectives. Afterwards, it will be securely disposed of or anonymized.
  • Individual Rights: To find out more about our privacy policy, please refer to this page.

In addition, we will be sending a copy of our Salary Guide 2024 to those who have completed the questionnaire. The Salary Guide will contain comprehensive research data for over 300 roles, across 9 key industries. Please expect the estimated email delivery time to be in February 2024. Thank you.